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Full Service Price List:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae iaculis sapien. Phasellus ultrices gravida massa luctus ornare.

Service Time Frame Price Order
Website Migration to New Server 48 Hours $34.99 USD Order Today
Install cPanel Website Management Panel on Server 24 Hours $4.99 USD Order Today
Remove Viruses/Malware from Server 48 Hours $94.99 USD Order Today
Secure Server from Vulnerabilities and Attack 72 Hours $44.99 USD Order Today
Word Press Software Installation 24 Hours $4.99 USD Order Today
Joomla Software Installation 24 Hours $4.99 USD Order Today
Drupal Software Installation 24 Hours $4.99 USD Order Today
Forum Software Installation 24 Hours $24.99 USD Order Today

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